PT Sarku Enjinering Utama is a Major Maintenance, Hook-Up & Commissioning, and Construction (MMHUCC) contractor for oil and gas offshore installations. Our services encompass project management, engineering services, construction services, pre-commissioning and commissioning services. We currently require manpower for ongoing projects. Here are the vacancies for the required positions :
SARKU Enjinering#Hiring Sumber SARKU Engjinering Utama |
1. HSE Officer
- S1 graduates.
- Have experience in Oil and Gas Company minimum 3 years (Civil Project and Structure Maintenance Services).
- Understand, and be able to implement HSE work methods and programs
- Understand in managing work permits, JSA, and have a general K3 certificate.
- Domicile in Balikpapan, its surroundings and/or Kalimantan area (point hiring in Balikpapan)
2. Safetyman
- D3 graduates
- Have experience in Oil and Gas Company minimum 5 years (Civil Project and Structure Maintenance Services).
- Have an understanding of HSE work methods and programs, and be able to implemented it
- Domicile in Balikpapan, its surroundings and/or Kalimantan area (point hiring in Balikpapan)
3. Quality Control
- S1 graduates.
- Have experience in Oil and Gas Company minimum 7 years (Civil Project and Structure Maintenance Services).
- Have Oil and Gas certification
- Domicile in Balikpapan, its surroundings and/or Kalimantan area (point hiring in Balikpapan)
4. NDT Inspector
- D3 graduates
- Have experience in Oil and Gas Company minimum 3 years (Civil Project and Structure Maintenance Services).
- Have an ISO 9712 LEVEL 2 certification.
- Domicile in Balikpapan, its surroundings and/or Kalimantan area (point hiring in Balikpapan)
5. Welding Inspector
- D3 graduates
- Have experience in Oil and Gas Company minimum 3 years (Civil Project and Structure Maintenance Services).
- Have an EWF/EN/CSWIP 3,1 certification
- Domicile in Balikpapan, its surroundings and/or Kalimantan area (point hiring in Balikpapan)
6. Painting Inspector
- D3 graduates
- Have experience in Oil and Gas
- Company minimum 3 years (Civil Project and Structure Maintenance Services).
- Have a NACE LEVEL2 certification
- Domicile in Balikpapan, its surroundings and/or Kalimantan area (point hiring in Balikpapan)
Send your CV to: recruitmenthc@sarku-id.com
With Subject: Position - Name
Recruitment will be closed on July, 1st 2023